Indri, the Indian single malt whisky that recently grabbed the ‘World’s Best Whisky’ title, has seen demand skyrocket across the country. Southern states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Kerala and Pondicherry with their rising disposable incomes and appetite for premium alcohols have emerged as key markets for this homegrown craft spirit. But how much does a bottle of the award-winning Indri whisky retail for in South Indian cities?
Produced in Haryana by Piccadilly Distilleries, Indri uses choice 6-row Rajasthani barley and traditional Indian pot stills for distillation. The whisky derives its complex yet smooth signature profile from aging in specialty oak casks imported from the US, Spain and France.
While this award-winning liquid is the prime factor in Indri’s success, competitive pricing has also enabled the brand to gain traction in price-sensitive Indian markets. Let’s examine Indri whisky prices across top South Indian cities:
Indri Single Malt Whisky Price in Bangalore
The pub capital of India, Bangalore has a large population of corporates, startups and youth who form the prime target audience for premium whiskies like Indri.
In Bangalore, a 750ml bottle is priced at approximately Rs. 3870. This positions Indri as an affordable premium whiskey choice vis-a-vis single malts from Scotland or Japan.
Indri Latest Whisky Price in Chennai
The bustling metro of Chennai has a robust drinking culture alongside a strong appreciation for quality.
In Chennai, a 750ml pack of Indri whisky costs around Rs. 3900 making it a viable premium whisky option given its indigenous roots and craft credentials.
Indri Single Malt Whisky Price in Hyderabad
Known for its glittering IT sector and new-age residents, Hyderabad offers ripe ground for growth for aspirational Indian whisky brands like Indri.
Here, a 750ml Indri whiskey bottle retails for Rs. 4100 – competitive vs other similarly positioned imported whiskies.
Indri Indian Whisky Price in Kerala
Kerala’s high per capita spending on liquor makes it a crucial market for premium alcohol brands.
In Kerala, Indri whisky is priced at approximately Rs. 4500 for a 750ml pack. Taxes in Kerala push up rates compared to other southern states.
Indri Single Malt Whisky Price in Pondicherry
The former French colony of Pondicherry is an emerging market for quality liquor.
In Pondicherry, a 750ml bottle of Indri whisky costs around Rs. 3500 – making it an attractive premium product for local whiskey aficionados.
Indri Whisky Latest Price in Telangana
In the IT hub of Hyderabad, Indri whisky retails for Rs. 4000 for a 750ml unit. Its indigenous premium positioning resonates well with the new-age tastes of Telangana.
To know other states prices of Indri Whisky click here.
By balancing product excellence with strategic pricing, Indri has positioned itself as an aspirational yet accessible premium Indian single malt for South Indian whiskey lovers in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kerala, Pondicherry and Telangana.
For urban Indian customers seeking to experience a homegrown craft spirit that can compete with the best international whiskies, Indri represents an exciting option. The brand’s success across South Indian markets underscores the rising appeal of quality indigenous spirits.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
1. Where is Indri whisky produced?
Indri whisky is produced at Piccadilly Distillery’s facility located in Haryana, India.
2. What awards has Indri whisky won?
Indri recently won the prestigious ‘World’s Best Whisky’ award at Whiskies of the World 2023.
3. What is the price of Indri whisky in Bangalore?
In Bangalore, a 750ml bottle of Indri whisky costs approximately Rs. 3870.
4. How much does a bottle of Indri whisky retail for in Hyderabad?
In Hyderabad, a 750ml bottle of Indri whisky is priced around Rs. 4100.
5. What is the cost of an Indri whisky bottle in Chennai?
In Chennai, a 750ml bottle of Indri whisky sells for about Rs. 3900.
6. How much does Indri whisky cost in Kerala?
In Kerala, a 750ml Indri whisky bottle is priced at around Rs. 4500.
7. What is the average price of Indri whisky in Telangana?
In Telangana, a 750ml bottle of Indri whisky costs approximately Rs. 4000.
8. How much does Indri whisky sell for in Pondicherry?
In Pondicherry, a 750ml bottle of Indri whisky is priced at around Rs. 3500.
9. Is Indri whisky affordable in South Indian cities?
Yes, Indri whisky is competitively priced compared to other premium whiskies in South Indian cities.
10. Does Indri whisky price vary across different states?
Yes, Indri whisky prices vary across states depending on taxes, supply-demand and other factors.
Disclaimer: All prices are approximate averages; exact rates may vary by location.